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What we do

World Cancer Care raises awareness of cancer through education, community initiatives and support. According to the NHS, half of us will develop some form of cancer during our lifetime, and while the most common types include breast, lung, prostate and bowel cancer, there are over 200 different types.

Though there is a considerable variation in survival between each of these cancer types, resulting from a range of patient-level, treatment and biological factors — survival rates, on the whole, are climbing. In the 1970s, less than a quarter of people with cancer survived, but today, half of us will. By working together, heightening awareness and benefitting from advances in cancer medicines and treatment methods, we can continue to look forward to a world where we all stand the best chance of surviving and thriving!

Learn more about us

We need awareness for all cancers

Basic, molecular, epidemiologic, and clinical research continue to improve cancer prevention, screening and treatment. By driving awareness and engaging communities with impactful messages, we can work together to encourage prevention, detection and screening, and ultimately help save lives. World Cancer Care runs awareness campaigns in the UK and selected countries, striving to reach more people in need and offer support and education to improve prevention, diagnosis and outcomes.

Meet our team

At World Cancer Care we provide help and support for any individuals affected by cancer

We recognise the power of sharing stories and connecting people

Every two minutes, someone in the UK is diagnosed with cancer.

Every survivor has a story, and while no two journeys are the same, hearing another person’s experience can bring you help, hope and faith. With a strong community of support, you’re never alone.

Sharing your feelings with those who have lived through similar experiences can help you cope with stress, anxiety and fear. We’re regularly sharing personal stories from survivors, informative features and educational resources to give hope and support to any individual affected by cancer.

Explore our stories

Support, information and resources

We provide support for those who need it most. We can answer your questions, share stories of those we’ve helped in the past and help you make informed decisions, or simply be there to listen. Whether you would like to know more about how to effectively self-examine, spot warning signs or provide crucial information on specific types of cancer, we take the time to understand your situation and help however we can.

How can we help you?

Information and support for anyone affected by a cancer diagnosis

We collaborate closely with various charities, including the Cancer Care Charitable Society, a leading charity in India. By working together, we raise awareness and deliver education and screening facilities to people in India, where outcomes are often uncertain due to delayed diagnosis, patchy availability of specialised treatment and unaffordable treatment.

Many people simply can’t afford to visit a doctor for a simple physical exam or screening appointment. Many live too far away from the hospitals and surgeries that could provide life-saving cancer checks. Working alongside the Cancer Care Charitable Society, we’ve provided fully equipped mobile cancer-screening vehicles and pop-up medical camps in remote villages. We also offer support for patients diagnosed with cancer through our connections with medical experts and government hospitals.

Sponsor a camp today